Skyline Marketing Group LLC

Refund and Cancellation Policy


Cancellation Policy:

Recurring charges may be cancelled by having the authorized credit card holder contact or e-mail Skyline Marketing Group LLC Customer Service Department  at (320) 433-4224 –

Refund Policy:

No refunds are given for services contracted for as work shall commence immediately upon initial fees being processed. Recurring service fees are paid for in arrears. Please keep this billing date in mind to avoid any additional fees. Should you decide to discontinue service it is possible that a final payment will be due at that time.
Late fees and collections:
Late fees per month shall be assessed for each account that is past due. If the account is more than 60 days past due, a collection fee assessed at 30% of the
past due amount will be added to the total amount due in addition to any late fees due. This collection fee and any late fees will be charged to your account in
addition to a reinstatement fee that is the equivalent to your monthly recurring charge if you re-subscribe for services.
Late fees shall be assessed as follows:
• 1st Late Fee: 15% of the amount past due will be assessed to the account 11 days after the scheduled due date. (Skyline Marketing Group LLC will gladly evaluate
waiver of this 1st Late fee if your account is brought current within 21 days of the scheduled due date).
• 2nd Late Fee: An additional 15% of the total amount that remains past due will be assessed 30 days after the scheduled due date.
• Should collection activity have to continue, Skyline Marketing Group LLC may add additional fees that will be assessed to the total amount that remains due and owing. 
You agree to abide by these General Terms of Service and agree that Skyline Marketing Group LLC Accounts Receivable Department may contact you in order to make payment arrangements to bring the account current. You also agree that we may use any and all methods of communication when contacting you 
Regarding accounts that are in arrears.
Skyline Marketing Group LLC standard practice is to provide all correspondence, notices and other relevant documents to you via the email address on file. It is your
obligation to provide to Skyline Marketing Group LLC a secure, up to date and confidential email address for these purposes and it is your responsibility to keep this email address current and to maintain copies of documents for your own files.